In Synchronicity, the artist/scribes of Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild explore a variety of media, surface, content and letterforms in this group exhibit.
In Synchronicity, the artist/scribes of Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild explore a variety of media, surface, content and letterforms in this group exhibit.
Artwork by Pen Dragons Calligraphy Guild members is now on exhibit at People's Church, 1758 North 10th St., Kalamazoo through the end of 2023.
This show features a dozen Pen Dragons' members whose pieces reflect on themes such as spirituality, kindness, love of nature, humanity, meditation or prayer.
Dragons Diminutive is the name for this unique exhibit showing off ‘miniature’ work by PenDragons members.
Pen Dragons will be lettering bookmarks for interested visitors to this fun family event.
Nearly 300 paper rounds were displayed on the walls of the Kalamazoo Nature Center’s Glen Vista Gallery during the exhibition and will become part of a future Treewhispers forest.
Several Pen Dragons members lettered names on envelopes and bookmarks for attendees of this stamp show sponsored by the Kalamazoo Stamp Club.
Interconnections: People and the Planet was the theme chosen for an exhibition of work by Pen Dragons’ members at the Kalamazoo Nature Center’s Glen Vista Gallery during April and May 2019.